Queens’s Camper Crisis: A Call for Accountability

Op-ed  by Paul Pogozelski

Our city seems to have two sets of laws on the books – the ones that tax paying citizens have to follow day in and day out, and the ones that city government deems too inconvenient to enforce. From congestion pricing to gas stoves, the last few years have seen the average New Yorker dealing with higher costs and rules that carry violations. Yet, the city allows new arrivals to brazenly trample over the city’s most basic ordinances without any resistance.

This is the scene on Starr Street in Ridgewood, right on the edge of District 30. The road is filled with illegally parked campers and trailers, many of which stay parked in the street for weeks or even months at a time. These trailers are more than just an inconvenience. They’re a blatant violation of our traffic and safety laws that cause major quality of life problems for local residents. These vehicles are not street worthy and do not belong on our streets. Many are missing license plates, inspection stickers, registration, insurance, you name it. 

However, one day after the average citizens’ vehicle inspection or registration expires there is no warning issued by our city’s traffic enforcement agencies, rather an obnoxious orange envelope is left on your windshield to mail your violation in with. Thankfully the city grants us the ability to pay parking violations online with a convenience surcharge, so you don’t have to worry about our US Postal service misplacing your payment.  

This is only the beginning of the problems caused by these unauthorized campers. Neighbors have spent over two years bombarding the city with 311 complaints, videos, and photos documenting the continued illegal activity on the block. However, the most response they ever see from the city is getting their complaints marked “resolved” without any action. 

These vehicles continue to disobey alternate-side parking rules, noise ordinances, and some are even so shameless as to attach their vehicles to city electric and water services to receive free utilities at taxpayer expense.

These issues are not limited to Ridgewood – they’ve already started to make their way into Middle Village. Last summer, three campers appeared overnight near Juniper Park – like many of the other trailers that have been seen in the area, they lacked license plates, registration, inspection stickers, and brake lights. 

The situation last summer in Middle Village featured three camper trailers being parked across the street from two houses of worship, a public school and a park pathway. The presence of the trailers sparked immediate complaints. 

However, despite receiving word back from local officials that the problem would be resolved by the days end, the campers remained overnight and into the next morning. It was only when I helped organize a local group of concerned residents to protest near the location of the trailers did the city finally intervene and assist with removal of these campers.

The camper epidemic cropping up around the city proves that our government is only interested in enforcing the law when it serves their interests. It was only when people from the neighborhood mobilized to act as a united front did anything get done. But it shouldn’t have to come to this.

This isn’t just about parking violations and noise complaints; it’s about fairness and accountability. Taxpayers deserve to live in a city where the rules apply equally to everyone. Instead, they’re watching as the government enforces minor infractions with them while turning a blind eye to egregious violations by others.

The time has come for city officials to listen to the people they serve. Ridgewood residents, and New Yorkers across the city, deserve better. It’s time to enforce the laws equally, without favoritism or selective enforcement, and to restore accountability in our neighborhoods.

Remember our elected officials work for us and not the other way around. I will work tirelessly to earn your vote and the privilege to work for you in the New York City Council. Together, we can amplify our voice so that our communities needs are not dismissed as merely a nuisance they can dismiss in the chambers of City Hall. 

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