Senator Joseph P. Addabbo Jr. addresses the G-COP members at the monthly meeting
By Clare Baierl | cbaierl@queensledger.com
A large room filled with women and men of the 104 District G-COP group stood together, hands raised to their hearts and said the pledge of allegiance. At the monthly meeting of the largest G-COP force in the city, members gathered together to hear from city officials, discuss changes, and welcome the board members.
The 104th Precinct Glendale Civilian Observation Patrol has been around since 1976. The group works with the local police department, as their “eyes and ears,” said GCOP President, Elizabeth Delacruz. Without weapons of any kind, the group helps with a variety of tasks from patrolling the neighborhoods, finding suspects, to blocking off intersections during car accidents, natural disasters, parades, and even church processions.
The monthly meeting started off with a surprise guest in tow, Senator Joseph P. Addabbo Jr. of the 15th District. Addabbo spoke to the group with updates on the legislative session. Addabbo spoke about his office’s plans to give money to the MTA, but “not before a forensic audit”, he urged. His department will hire an outside expert to look at their expenses, and “see if we can cut some fat,” Addabbo explained.
Addabbo also answered an audience member’s question about a new cannabis store opening near his office. While the senator was against it, he emphasized that keeping these stores away from schools and young children is crucial. “Whether you are for or against it, you must think of placement,” said Addabbo. “Placement is essential.”
Continuing off the night, a representative for Councilman Robert Holden’s office gave a few remarks. The representative started off by thanking the group for all their work and support within the community.
“The councilmen appreciates GCOP,” he said. The representative also gave a few updates on Holden’s current agenda. “We are making sure the NYPD is funded, and funded properly,” he said. “We want to show that the police are good, they are necessary.”
To end off the night, the group held their annual Board of Directors swearing in ceremony. Addabbo had each board member place their right hand in the air and repeat the GCOP pledge. Afterwards, the group president took the stage and expressed her thanks to the community of members and supporters.
“You are the backbone of this community,” said Delacruz.