North Brooklyn Angels step up in time of need

North Brooklyn Angels vistied the Women, Infant and Children’s (WIC) Center of Brooklyn Hospital last week to donate supplies to families in need.
Over 30,000 diapers, 150 stuffed backpacks, 100 children’s books, 100 early childhood toys, 500 pounds of fresh produce, and several baby chairs and strollers were among the items donated.
“The success of this day, and every day the Angels act, is powered by the awesome volunteer organizers who care about our neighbors,” said executive director Felice Kirby. “We’re so grateful for and energized by these vital partnerships, and are looking forward to organizing more responsive community events such as this one.”
The event represents a partnership between the North Brooklyn Angels and Domain Companies, a management company whose properties include Eleven33 in Greenpoint and Spring Creek Gardens in East New York.
North Brooklyn Angels is hopeful the new collaboration will pave the way for future partnerships with other management companies in the rapidly developing sections of Brooklyn, including Greenpoint, Williamsburg, and Bushwick.
North Brooklyn Angels first started its work in 2017, distributing free meals out of a truck throughout Brooklyn. Since then, the nonprofit has grown significantly.
Due to the pandemic, food assistance has ramped up dramatically over the past 18 months. North Brooklyn Angels has prepared and distributed upwards of 225,000 hot meals and 1.2 million pounds of shelved goods for Brookylnites in need during that time.
The organization distributes approximately 3,400 hot meals per week at multiple locations throughout the borough.

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