Debate in person

Dear Editor,
The June 22nd primary election for mayor is one of the most consequential of our lives. It is vital that voters be able to hear directly from those who want to lead New York City’s post-pandemic recovery.
Voters have the right to see how candidates engage with one another in a meaningful way, how they think on their feet, interact with and treat their peers, and observe their body language.
New York City and State are on the path to reopening as infection rates continue to fall and vaccinations increase, so it makes no sense for the next Democratic mayoral debate to be held virtually.
If New Yorkers can now socialize and dine in indoor settings, remove masks according to federal health guidelines, and adhere to other health and safety recommendations, then organizers of the next debate are shirking their responsibility to provide a format that benefits the public.
We can have the debate at a location that allows for adequate social distancing and enforces other necessary precautions, such as requiring proof of vaccinations and limiting attendance.
This will ensure that New Yorkers get the lively, interactive, and in-person debate they need to make informed decisions on who to vote for when they cast their ballots this season.
The public deserves nothing less.
Alfonso Quiroz
Jackson Heights

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